// table examples from: https://ozh.github.io/ascii-tables/

// example 1:
│               Col1               │  Col2   │          Col3          │ Numeric Column │
│ Value 1                          │ Value 2 │ 123                    │           10.0 │
│ Separate                         │ cols    │ with a tab or 4 spaces │       -2,027.1 │
│ This is a row with only one cell │         │                        │                │

// example 2:

|               Col1               |  Col2   |          Col3          | Numeric Column |
| Value 1                          | Value 2 | 123                    |           10.0 |
| Separate                         | cols    | with a tab or 4 spaces |       -2,027.1 |
| This is a row with only one cell |         |                        |                |