Hypered design system


The Hypered design system is a collection of components, templates, and other bits of HTML and CSS to create a unified user experience across Hypered projects. It also contains non-web implementations, such as LaTeX templates.

See the README file in the GitHub repository for additional information.


The initial design work was done in Next.js. It made it possible to create re-usable snippets of HTML show-cased in Storybook. Two pages to introduce the design system were also created, with the addition of an error page. The CSS part was done using Tachyons.

That work generates files in the docs/ directory of the repository, which is exposed using GitHub Pages at js.hypered.design.

  • Landing page - An initial landing page for the design system itself.
  • Components page - A similar page to the landing page, to give an overview of the available components.
  • 404 page - An error page using CSS animations.
  • Components (Storybook) - A Storybook-based page to explore all the components.

The rest is built using Nix and served from a VM at this domain (hypered.design).

The main usage of the design system is within applications written in Haskell. Examples generated with the Haskell code are also available:

There is an attempt at creating an implementation of the design system using the ITCSS approach.

And there is another implementation, using a “fluid” approach.

An example PDF brochure created with LaTeX:

  • Full example - This is an example grouping all the features of the custom LaTeX class.

See also

Another attempt at creating a Pandoc template is visible at alt.hypered.design.